This is a question I frequently get asked and you are not going to like the answer to it.

     You can be always positive only and only if you are in full alignment with source energy. This could be for only a couple of days once you start, or even for a couple of hours (maybe minutes), because of your strong negative beliefs that you need to get rid of.

Being always positive can be a challenge at first, because the universe is going to try balancing things. For example you are being positive all day long and you expect things to go wrong. So it happens and the universe tries to balance your experience. But if you continue to be positive during the bad times (not all the time, but often) then you will break through the boundaries of this struggling and only good things will flow towards you.

Once this stage is complete you will be in the positive experience corridor which will be just as long as your positive thoughts. When you run out of “positive fuel” then you will reach the end of the corridor, and we do not want that to happen. So once you get in, try your best to stay there as long as possible!

Don’t get frustrated if you get in, and go out fast, because this takes some time and patience, but you will get there. I was struggling with this part for a long time, in and out, in and out, again and again – it took me about a month to stay in the positive corridor permanently or at least for a very long time, which helped me a lot with my manifestations.