Porn addiction based problems. Part II (Readers request)

So here we are already with the solutions OH BOY !
Here are some things you can and should start doing if you want to get that plane in the air again:

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Porn addiction based problems. (Readers request)

         Recently I’ve received an e-mail from one of my readers, asking me about the risks of watching porn. He wants to stay anonymous so we will call him John. So recently John has started having a bad sex life.

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Having trouble getting up in the morning?

Damn you, morning and your buddy the alarm clock ! Those were my thoughts every single morning of my life until I decided to do a little research on the topic. I came across a ton of stuff that did not work at all, but I also found the golden solution.

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Create it instead !

       People always wait for the perfect moment to make a move. As they are unsure in their own capabilities, and are afraid of failing. Life goes on, time passes and that “right moment” never even comes.

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Self-Appreciation is mandatory !

Every now and then we accomplish something that makes us feel good. But what people seem to forget is, not to jump right away on the next “mission”. You should focus on your current victory and I will tell you why.

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

How you are guided through life.

         Life is like a river. It has a current which leads to waves sometimes. And these waves are the ups and downs.

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Authenticity or you just being an asshole?

Honesty is a part of authenticity, but in its brutal form - just a passive aggression toward someone. It may be just a defensive mechanism or more likely an excuse to execute a personal attack.

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Poisonous people you should let go. Part II

So what can we do about those friends ? Should we ditch them, or try to change them, or maybe talk to them with hope that they will understand us better? Read on!

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Poisonous people you should let go. Part I

We all have those friends that always doubt us until the end. And when we finally accomplish something they believe it’s just good luck. We can easily identify them most of the time and put a label around their neck “Poisonous”. These people can absolutely demotivate everyone about everything they do, even about life as a whole. Be very cautious when dealing with such people and keep them within a reasonable distance from you or this could kill you with time. Think about it… do you feel good when somebody never cheers about your success or pat you on the back when you need it? So why are you friends at all with these people? Oh so you know each other from your childhood. Well that’s good, but it’s poisonous…

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Tip # 2

Watch a comedy today.

Why bad things happen to good people? Part II

So next time something happens comfort your buddy and don’t let him sink in your pain with you, as this could harm him/her. Try to go through your emotions as deep as you can, and that will help you to overcome it faster, as you admit your pain and let yourself sink into it. That will make you stronger, and as long as you don’t resist your pain, it is a matter of time for your brain to tell you – hey we survived this experience so we are off to something new and good.

Why bad things happen to good people? Part I

We hear this all the time, and we see it too!

Why bad things do happen to good people is the question. "Oh, but uncle Bob is so good to everybody... why did he had a stroke?" So here are some ideas to help you make it clear. Most of us don’t have a clue about how the universe works and what is the law of attraction. I’m going to make it clear for you. The law of attraction is simple – whatever you think, you become! If you think of bad things, the same will happen to you.

About the fear of driving Part III

So I’ve shared all my secrets that have helped me along my journey! The ultimate secret is to be consistent and believe in yourself, knowing that you can do it a 100%! Your personal miracle will happen – I promise you! It’s all up to you, so don’t count on anybody else as they don’t know what you are really going through. A lot of people on this world suffer from this fear, I used to too. But now I’m more confident than ever when driving my car – alone or with family and friends. Sometimes I get some anxiety before driving but that’s okay as it goes away the more I drive. Once you get used to it, start driving regularly, because the fear will be waiting for you right at the corner once you stop doing it for a long time.

I believe in you, so believe in yourself ! You can do it ! 

About the fear of driving Part II

So here we are already at the solutions :) ! Just a little bit more, and you will be like brand new – reborn! First things first though, here is a list of things to focus on:

1. You should start thinking about driving your car – I mean literally, you should start visualizing how you are driving and how it feels so good to do so. While you are visualizing this you should take a note of your breathing – it should be deep breaths, slow and steady. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for another 4 and exhale for 4 seconds. This should prepare you for the real deal – when you get behind the wheel you will be calmer just like in the visualization!

About the fear of driving Part I

Hello, everyone!
My name is Mario.

Part I – My story

I'm an ordinary guy doing my ordinary everyday stuff. Although with a BIG problem (in my past). So the story I want to share with you today is all about my fear of driving and how I got over it. It may take one or two posts, but I will try to cover everything I can, so you can get the whole picture.

Get to know me. And what is this all about.

Hello, everyone!
My name is Mario.

In this blog I will be sharing my personal experiences in life and their best (in my personal humble opinion) solutions. First I will be sharing a (true) story and then its current solution or how to get over those emotions related to it. I will try to go in as much as detail I can, so you can get the whole picture and understand fully. The solutions I will present to you will be the things I have made in the current events. I am not a psychologist nor I am a doctor, everybody has a brain to think I am just going to tell you, what has worked for me, and what hasn’t. There is a big chance that the same thing might work for you, but if you still feel unsafe don’t attempt them. Just remember that in order to change your life you must take action – and the move you make must take you out of your comfort zone in order to be a fully working solution. People who stay in their comfort zone all their lives don’t accomplish big things and are never known to the world. Do you want to be one of them?