This is a question I frequently get asked and you are not going to like the answer to it.

     You can be always positive only and only if you are in full alignment with source energy. This could be for only a couple of days once you start, or even for a couple of hours (maybe minutes), because of your strong negative beliefs that you need to get rid of.

Being always positive can be a challenge at first, because the universe is going to try balancing things. For example you are being positive all day long and you expect things to go wrong. So it happens and the universe tries to balance your experience. But if you continue to be positive during the bad times (not all the time, but often) then you will break through the boundaries of this struggling and only good things will flow towards you.

Once this stage is complete you will be in the positive experience corridor which will be just as long as your positive thoughts. When you run out of “positive fuel” then you will reach the end of the corridor, and we do not want that to happen. So once you get in, try your best to stay there as long as possible!

Don’t get frustrated if you get in, and go out fast, because this takes some time and patience, but you will get there. I was struggling with this part for a long time, in and out, in and out, again and again – it took me about a month to stay in the positive corridor permanently or at least for a very long time, which helped me a lot with my manifestations. 


The next crucial step is to have faith. Have HUGE amounts of faith. The moment you feel like going off your path is the moment you have to adjust your thoughts. What I mean is as soon as a negative thought creeps up you just say to yourself “Oh great ! My mind reminds me how important this thing is to me !” And then you think something positive – focus on the positive side.

For example if you catch yourself thinking “This car is so expensive, can I afford it at all…” then you re-focus and think something like “I deserve such an expensive car. I know this car is on its way to me, I can feel it”. This should do the trick.

Don’t try to overwrite the negative thoughts just observe them and say to yourself almost the opposite of it when it passes. One other trick is to constantly focus on the good sides of your wish. Focus how great it would feel to be in that car. How awesome it will be to push the gas pedal and go for a ride. How exactly it would feel. The feeling plays an important role in life as a whole.

When you feel good, then more of that comes to you. When you feel angry and frustrated then the universe gives you more of it. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? You know what I am talking about! And if you don’t then you should pay more attention to what happens when you are angry. That way you will see how things get even worse for you.

For example you are mad at your boss for giving you so much work. Then you think to yourself how he is an asshole and a bunch of other “great” things. Then he could come back with even more work for you – because the universe wants to bring you even more evidence in this case. Or maybe a client will make you even more upset because of something.

Always remember – you vibrate positive or negative energy and the universe just brings you more of what you already radiate as a signal.  


Numerology is the ultimate tool that you can use in order to find out your true life path. This is calculated through your birth date and year (often your name is included in the equation too). Numerology uses those numbers in order to calculate the right path which suits you the best ! It will be amazing to see, how you will always be one step ahead of the universe !

At some point of my life I needed a miracle and started searching the internet how I could resolve my problems fast. I did not know what I wanted to work and didn’t had the motivation at all. I felt so lost and miserable that I went into a deep depression. This dark point of my life continued for over 5 LONG months. And finally one day I was surfing aimlessly through the internet and I’ve stumbled on this “numerology” thing. Something clicked within me right away as I read what it was about.

Numerology helps with:

1. Finding your path in life.

2. Finding your true calling.

3. Finding the right partner for you.

4. Calculating which days will be good for you and through which you might want to stay still and just go with the flow.

5. Finding out the right days to act upon a project or a goal.

6. Reveals you in numbers how your inner universe works and helps you deal with a number or problems.

7. Decoding your name - what it means and what it can tell about you as a person.

I got some free information over the internet, but none of it is was enough. So I decided to join a course in numerology and it paid off hundreds of times afterwards.

And let me tell you, once I got my calculations right, everything changed. I knew what I was supposed to do, and I started coaching other people little by little. Got out of depression and was the happiest person living on this planet. I never felt so alive in years. And I got my “schedule” about when to act and when to “stay still” on a goal. This worked like magic for me, and now that I am thinking about it, it probably is!

The folks at this wonderful website NUMEROLOGIST will take good care of you, and you will never be lost or sad again. They will do for you a full destiny reading only from your birth year, date and name ! Isn’t that amazing ! I was standing with my mouth opened when I wrote my destiny on a sheet of paper and over the next months things on the list started to come true…

You should try it for yourself and experience the miracle first row !

Click here to check the website that helped me get on my feet :)


Law of attraction is a powerful tool which you can use to attract everything you want. And it is very easy to do once you get the hang of it ! In this post we are going to cover the first step into the law of attraction which is – Intent. Meaning that you have to think of a wish that you want to manifest in the physical reality.

Sounds simple enough, right?


Hi, everyone !

Today I want to share a story with you, about the day when my best friends’ pictures got stolen by a fake profile, claiming to be him. 


I’ve always been searching for a method which will allow me to tap into that alpha state of the brain. So here we are with a quick tip from me.


Today on Feb. 8th - New Moon ! Which means that you need to make a wish and it will come true on this day. The moon is being reborn again with greater power spreading from it. You can write your wishes on a piece of paper and then hide it from curious eyes ! Only you need to know about your wishes and desires. After your wish comes true then you need to get that list of paper and burn it. Then you should go to a nearby river or a place with a stream and spread the ashes over there. After that you need to thank the Universe or God (depends on your beliefs) just think about your wish and express your gratitude with words ! 

You can check this website for your location and time in which will occur the New Moon.

After New Moon comes you will have 24 hours to get those wishes on some fresh paper !


This is the question most people ask themselves when the thing that they want is not manifested in the physical world. We have to start with the words “FEELING”, “PATIENCE” and “FAITH”.


Hello, everyone !
I hope you are having a wonderful day.
Today we are going to talk about some affirmation secrets that you may not know about. 

Tricks and tips about focusing on a task or goal - Part II

So here we are with part II of out guide to focusing on a task or goal. First things first – this works fine for me, but some point may not work for you. The trick is to use these steps as guidelines to create your own “Focusing system”. I read these in a book a while ago and remodeled them into some that suit me best. You can always temper with them until you feel satisfied.

Tricks and tips about focusing on a task or goal.

Hello, friends !
I hope you are having an amazing week filled with happiness :)

Focus is the weakest point of most people. They find it hard to focus on what they are doing for a long time, or at all. I had the same problem some time ago, and I still get it sometimes, but rarely. It doesn’t matter if you have to study for that exam or you need to get you attention deeply on your personal goal – the problem is clear – FOCUS.

How much effort do you need to put in ?

Have you noticed how some people tend to work a lot harder than others and still don’t get enough. In the other hand the people who don’t seem to push themselves too hard get more money and happiness. Why is that?

Wintertime sadness.

Depression during winter is a common theme in all countries that have snow.

How to stop binge eating !

A lot of people want to know my secret about binge eating. How I prevent myself of doing so, to be more precise. So I’m writing this post with my top tips just for you, special people. So let us start with the tips, shall we. Here is what I do in order to prevent this bad habit.

When you need to take some time off...

         There is a moment in our lives when we just had enough. In that moment we need to take some time to re-think what exactly are we doing and why. What are our goals in life, and are we on the right track. Also you may want to be in the moment. Not dreaming about a future that is 10, 20, 30 years away. Be in the current moment and see what you can change so you can help and support yourself.

Every day is a new year !

That’s right you read it correctly – every day is a new year. What that means is, you can always take the time and make some changes in your life.