Hello, everyone !
I hope you are having a wonderful day.
Today we are going to talk about some affirmation secrets that you may not know about. 

I know it can get annoying reading a ton of books, websites and not getting the right and full answer to your questions. For years I have been looking at different approaches about affirmations. It’s the most easy technique for getting you closer to the things that you want. You can use them anywhere – at work, while driving, walking down the street - over and over and over again. Repeating them throughout the whole day. And just before going to bed, or even in bed ! So I had some problems with manifestation through affirmations.

The main problem with using this technique – repeating sentences through the whole day is that we always tend to use “I am”. We always say “I am rich” or “I am beautiful” or “I am healthy”. It is a potentially bad idea doing so.

People who are just starting with manifestations and people who are not getting results should consider these simple strategies.

1. Ditch the “I am” part.
Because what happens is, you are saying “I am rich” and in the same time your mind says “No you are not, you are in debt” or “You owe money”. And it automatically ditches the new thought which you just served. This all happens in the subconscious part of your mind.

2. Use the other part of the sentence without “I am”

3. You can use only one word – it works too.
You can always you only one word like – rich, wealthy, happy, beautiful etc. depending on what you truly desire. And repeat it over and over, throughout the whole day.

4. Use affirmations like somebody is thinking about you.
For example talk to yourself say “He is wealthy.” or “He is so beautiful”. The brain is not going to ditch these thoughts because you are not using the “I am form”. Also you can use your name. For example if you are John you are going to repeat “John is rich.” or “John is so beautiful” and it works like a charm !

5. Use questions, now just answers.
What I mean is that you can use questions. For example “Why am I so wealthy? “ and the mind can’t react to the question with a negative response. Instead it is going to fetch for you evidence why you are so wealthy. Resulting in a bunch of synchronicities which will lead you to your goal !

I hope this works for you, because it does the job darn well for me ! You can also experiment and add stuff to these techniques and see what works best for you.