Porn addiction based problems. Part II (Readers request)

So here we are already with the solutions OH BOY !
Here are some things you can and should start doing if you want to get that plane in the air again:

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Porn addiction based problems. (Readers request)

         Recently I’ve received an e-mail from one of my readers, asking me about the risks of watching porn. He wants to stay anonymous so we will call him John. So recently John has started having a bad sex life.

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day

Having trouble getting up in the morning?

Damn you, morning and your buddy the alarm clock ! Those were my thoughts every single morning of my life until I decided to do a little research on the topic. I came across a ton of stuff that did not work at all, but I also found the golden solution.

Overcoming depression - Tip of the day