Porn addiction based problems. Part II (Readers request)

So here we are already with the solutions OH BOY !
Here are some things you can and should start doing if you want to get that plane in the air again:

1. Stop jerking off for some days. (Take some days off – I know it sounds weird 3 -4 days are enough)

2. Cut off porn – don’t go cold turkey over a night, do it gradually. (If you watch porn let’s say about 3 times a day.. cut it down to two. The next day cut it down to one time. The next day don’t watch at all. Then do it just once for a whole week. After that it’s time to say bye bye to porn. Stop watching it at all for an unlimited period of time if you want to get your dick working again! )

3. Delete all your porn collections secretly stored on your computer (this is a hard one, but you must do it, in order to not be tempted to watch it, when you feel desperate.

4. Install a “no porn” widget on your browser so it blocks off all porn content and porn websites from opening.

5. Take this seriously but don’t panic and have the will to get over it.

6. Recoordinate your sexual energy every time you feel like jerking off – do some yoga or go to the gym/train at home, go running, meditate !

7. After some time off porn and jerking off you should start using your imagination. Close your eyes and imagine your partner or somebody you feel physically attracted to. Imagine how you kiss and then you strip them and the rest of the stuff... you know what I mean. Try to go in as much detail as possible, imagine the feeling of the real thing. This will make your mind – muscle connection greater so you can get it up even when only imagining, and not seeing it. Applying the visualization technique is not easy nor fast – it takes time, but you can do it, because everybody can! This is going to prioritize the feeling and the touch as much as the visual parts – so you can get turned on by all of them – not only from visual material when you are watching porn.

8. After getting a grip on the technique from point 7 it’s time to get serious ! It’s time for a challenge. This challenge is 30 days no to fap ! During these 30 days you will not play with yourself at all and you will avoid any porn content ! The result will amaze you once you go over the 30 days – you will have more self confidence, having high energy levels, wanting to get some real girls/guys and a ton more benefits.

9. After the 30 day challenge do NOT go back to porn. NEVER! It’s in the past now, you don’t need it to the rest of your life ! If you go back to it, you will start having the same problems and dysfunctions as before and all will be for nothing. Do you want your future partner which you will love so much leave you because you can’t satisfy them ? Of course not !

10. After all of the above you deserve a pat on the back and some applause, because as silly as it sounds this was hard to go through and accomplish. It’s time for a bigger challenge !

11. 365 days not to jerk off ! You may also want to try this one! If you have the will and feel the benefit from not fapping you might want to try this.

Always remember that some ancient people have described the orgasm as a “little death”.