Tricks and tips about focusing on a task or goal.

Hello, friends !
I hope you are having an amazing week filled with happiness :)

Focus is the weakest point of most people. They find it hard to focus on what they are doing for a long time, or at all. I had the same problem some time ago, and I still get it sometimes, but rarely. It doesn’t matter if you have to study for that exam or you need to get you attention deeply on your personal goal – the problem is clear – FOCUS.

How much effort do you need to put in ?

Have you noticed how some people tend to work a lot harder than others and still don’t get enough. In the other hand the people who don’t seem to push themselves too hard get more money and happiness. Why is that?

Wintertime sadness.

Depression during winter is a common theme in all countries that have snow.

How to stop binge eating !

A lot of people want to know my secret about binge eating. How I prevent myself of doing so, to be more precise. So I’m writing this post with my top tips just for you, special people. So let us start with the tips, shall we. Here is what I do in order to prevent this bad habit.

When you need to take some time off...

         There is a moment in our lives when we just had enough. In that moment we need to take some time to re-think what exactly are we doing and why. What are our goals in life, and are we on the right track. Also you may want to be in the moment. Not dreaming about a future that is 10, 20, 30 years away. Be in the current moment and see what you can change so you can help and support yourself.

Every day is a new year !

That’s right you read it correctly – every day is a new year. What that means is, you can always take the time and make some changes in your life.