How to stop binge eating !

A lot of people want to know my secret about binge eating. How I prevent myself of doing so, to be more precise. So I’m writing this post with my top tips just for you, special people. So let us start with the tips, shall we. Here is what I do in order to prevent this bad habit.

1. Stop eating in front of the TV.
This is a very common mistake people do, while eating watching their favorite TV show and not focusing on how much they eat, and what their body tells them (in most cases “I’ve had enough, what are you doing?!?”.

2. Eat slow.
I know a lot of you out there (like me) are eating their food so fast that they don’t notice when two plates of food are already missing. Try going slower and enjoying the food.

3. Chew every bite at least 10 times.
Yeah you read that right ! Chew, chew, chew ! This will make you eat more slowly and therefore make you aware of how much you are eating. When you start doing this you will notice how you can stop being hungry with half of the plate full !

4. Think about the physique you want to achieve.
Always pull out the picture in your mind of how you will look when you lose those 10 extra pounds. Or think about what sacrifices you have already made, is it worth it to binge eat at this point? You can also read some success fitness stories on the internet and admire other people, filling yourself with determination to do the same as them.

5. Don’t eat after 5 o’clock.
This you can do in order for the food to start its digestion before going to bed which will benefit you.

6. Ask yourself  “Am I really hungry now, or I am just used to binge eating at this exact time? “
Your body has a memory, and it will use it against you – making you feel hungry when you are actually not, just because you are used to eating at that time a lot of crappy foods.

7. Think it through when you want to eat extra.
Is it really worth it, are your health and good looks less important than those extra crappy foods or going overboard with the good ones? Do you want to be fat so bad, feeling so crappy the other day or just after you eat? Do you?

8. It’s all in your mind.
As I already said it’s about a mindset. Change your habits little by little and your body will listen and adapt.

9. Don’t go cold turkey overnight.
Little by little cut out those extra servings and non-planned bad eating habits. Clear up your diet a little. If you are eating let’s say 6 slices of bread a day, you can start by eating the next day 5, then the next one 4 etc. Until you reach ground zero with that bread. Or you eat a little from time to time (the body has its needs, you don’t have to cut out all the foods out).

10. Have a cheat day every now and then.
Personally I have a cheat day every 10 days. Some people do it every 7-th day. Just remember that a cheat day doesn’t mean a whole day of eating crap. It means one meal – by your own choice. It can be pizza or chocolate or something else.

11. Don’t be too strict or you will fail.
As I said, you should give yourself some small treats every now and then.