Authenticity or you just being an asshole?

Honesty is a part of authenticity, but in its brutal form - just a passive aggression toward someone. It may be just a defensive mechanism or more likely an excuse to execute a personal attack.

We often are in love with brutality, because it defends us from harm. When you act aggressively you feel safer, because it gives you the false sense of security. You need to think about why you are acting like this. Is it because you are afraid of somebody, or just because it is a part from your personality ?
Also you need to think about why you tell people what “the right thing to do” is. Because you think it is and your ego wants to convince people, or just because it really is. People are usually too attached to each other, and most of the time don’t realize what they should and should not preach in their desperate attempt to help. First you need to be fully aware of the receptivity of the person you are talking to. Is he responding to your words actively or just rolling his eyes. Do they really want your opinion? Do we really want to help them, or just need to express ourselves.

         - Is you intention to help that person or yourself – are you going to benefit more from telling them what you think.
            - Is brutal honesty really going to help in the current moment?
           - If the other person wants an advice, can you speak your thoughts without hurting them, and using profanity?

In the game of delivering the message it all comes down to how you do it. You have to be careful, because how it will come out from a place of love and caring will be completely different coming out of a place of hate and doubting. Be gentile and authentic with people, as you want the same from them.

The line between authenticity and assholesness is thin… It’s all about your intentions and how you show them to people with words. So pick them right, and be polite. Even if the truth is brutal, you don’t have to be, use kind words to describe what you mean, resulting in not-extra hurting the person.