How depression can actually make you a better and stronger person.

Ever wondered how can depression actually benefit you ? Well here are some accurate points and ideas to think about.

1. Depression makes you think twice as much about what you can do to overcome your problem.

2. Depression teaches you to be a more humble person.

3. Makes you a stronger person, so you can face almost everything.

4. Gives you motivation to strive for a new better and improved version of yourself.

5. Teaches you not to trust people way too much for your own good.

6. Makes you think twice before you go for the same mistake.

7. In some cases it makes you solve your problem all alone, making future problems easier to handle on your own.

8. Makes you discover new styles of music that you will like, even when out of depression.

9. Can help you make new friends. (like now, when you are connecting with this blog, or joining a group discussion about depression on a forum with strangers)

10. Creates new viewpoints that you can borrow in the future to help you progress in life.